Monday, October 17, 2011

Tweet Me!

You can now follow Plainfield: My Perspective's Vashon Hill on Twitter. 

With You for Leadership,

Vashon L. Hill
The Leadership Project, Jefferson School Chapter- 2003

"Today's Youth becoming tomorrow's Leaders"

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Get Your Heart Rate Pumping!

Please come out and join the Plainfield Area YMCA at our Party in Pink ZUMBATHON! 
October 19th, 2011- Time: 6:30PM-8:30PM  

 Raising Money to Fight Breast Cancer While Raising Our Heart Rate! 

All Proceeds Going to The Susan G. Komen Foundation 

Contact Elsie Jenkins for more Information 
908-756-6060 ext. 131

Childcare: Babysitting is available, you must be a Member. If you are not a Member, you MUST pay $3.00 
Please drop your Child off to the Babysitter in the Multipurpose Room.  

I hope to see you all there! Guess what? I'm the Babysitter. We will be playing the Wii, watch Movies, and doing Arts and Crafts.  

With You for Leadership, 

Vashon L. Hill 
The Leadership Project, Jefferson School- Chapter 2003 

"Today's Youth becoming tomorrow's Leaders"

Friday, October 7, 2011

Will You Be There?

Hi Readers! Just checking in, Hoping you all are enjoying the Fall Season. On October 15th, 2011, Darryl Clark amongst others will host the 1st Annual Walk/Run for Life. The Walk will start at 9:00am at Plainfield City Hall. I hope to see you all there.

With You for Leadership,

Vashon L. Hill
The Leadership Project, Jefferson School Chapter- 2003

"Today's Youth becoming tomorrow's Leaders"